Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University
A State University recognized under Section 2 (f) & 12 (B) of UGC Act of 1956
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Evaluation System

The objective of the examination system at SMVDU is to expose students to continuous evaluation rather than focus only at term end exams. This system ensures that the students develop the ability to study regularly and do not need to put any extraordinary work towards the end of the semester. This system also puts the onus on students to perform consistently and not study in a sporadic manner. Also, the system encourages the use of assignments to inculcate the spirit of self-learning in the students besides developing ability to solve practical problems.

During the course of a semester, which is generally of 90 working days, a student is evaluated in the following manner:

  • Students are given a minimum of two assignments by the faculty member, which they are required submit on specified dates. These assignments carry marks which contribute to the total obtained for that subject. The dates for submission of assignments are defined in academic Calendar.
  • Students are required to sit for three tests, which are conducted after 30, 60 and 90 working days approximately. These are called Minor I, Minor-II and Major. Major test carries a weight age of 50% while Minor-I, Minor-II carry a weight age of 40% while the assignments, quiz, presentations etc carry a weight age of 10%.
  • Faculty members may assign weight age to quiz, presentations or any similar activity besides the two assignments. However this should be notified by the Course Coordinator at the beginning of the Semester.
  • The above mentioned structure may vary in the B.Arch program in specific courses which will be duly notified by the Director of the School at the beginning of the relevant Semester

At the end of the semester, the faculty member assigns a grade to each student depending upon the performance of the student in that course in minor tests, assignments, major test, quiz, presentations etc. Using the grades that are assigned to each student in each course, the CGPA and the SGPA are calculated.

Evaluation Indices

The performance of a student is evaluated in terms of two indices, viz. the Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) which is the Grade Point Average for a semester and Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) which is the Grade Point for all the completed semesters at any point in time. The SGPA is calculated on the basis of grades obtained in all courses, except audit courses and courses in which S/Z grade is awarded, registered for in the particular semester:

                               ∑ (Earned credits x Grade point) for all course except audit , I, W &
                                   S/Z grade courses (Semester)
                 SGPA = ----------------------------------------------------------------------
                               ∑ (Registered Course credits) except audit & S/Z grade courses
                                    (Semester )

The CGPA is calculated on the basis of all pass grades, except audit courses and courses in which S/Z grade is awarded, obtained in all completed semesters.

                               ∑ (Earned Course credits x Grade point) for all course except audit,
                                    I, W, & S/Z grade courses (All Semesters till date )
                 CGPA = ---------------------------------------------------------------------
                               ∑ (Earned Course credits) except audit & S/Z grade courses
                                     (All Semesters till date)

An example illustrating the concept of SGPA & CGPA Calculations can be seen here.

**Rules & Regulations are subject to change from Time-to-time and will be notified accordingly.



Grading system

At the end of the term after conduct of minor and major tests the course coordinator awards a grade to each students depending upon their performance. No marks are awarded. However, each grade is associated with the number of points it carries. The different grades are as follows:


As the University is following Absolute Grading System, the CGPA to percentage equivalence is obtained by multiplying CGPA by ten (10.0)

Appearing in Major examination is a mandatory requirement for award of any pass grade in any course.

A(+) & A Grades

´A(+)´ grade stands for Outstanding achievement while A for Excellent performance.

B(+) & B Grades

´B(+)´ grade stands for Very Good performance while B for Good performance.

C(+) & C Grades

'C(+)' grade stands for Fair while C for Poor.

D Grade

The 'D' Grade stands for Marginal performance; i.e. it is the minimum passing grade in any course.

E & F Grades

The ‘E’ & ‘F’ grades indicate failing in a course. A student has to repeat all core courses in which she/he obtains E or F grade, until a passing grade is obtained. In case of elective courses in which E or F grade has been obtained, the student may take the same course or any other course from the same category.

In case of ‘E’ grade, a student is required to complete all requirements, except for attendance requirement, with respect to the course when registered again, as applicable to all other fresh students. However, in case of ‘F’ grade awardees, the attendance requirement will also apply.

Further ‘E’ or ‘F’ grade obtained in any course is recorded permanently on the Semester Grade Sheet as well as the Transcript. This grade is not counted in the calculation of the CGPA; however, this is counted in the calculation of the SGPA.

In case a core course ceases to exist in the process of revision of the curriculum, the nearest substitute course is to be done by a student having backlog in the old course.

In case there are significant number of students having backlog in a particular course, the School may offer such course in the Summer semester and students having obtained ‘E’ or ‘F’ grade may register for the course during the Summer Semester.

I Grade

An 'I' grade denotes incomplete requirements in any L (lecture), P (practical), V (Special Module) category course. It may be awarded to a student if he/she has not fulfilled all the requirements of the course due to absence on medical grounds or exceptional circumstances. In case of absence on medical grounds or other exceptional circumstances, before or during the major examination period, the student can apply for I-grade. 75% attendance in a course is necessary for being eligible for request of I- Grade in that course. An Application requesting ‘I’ grade should be made at the earliest but not later than the last day of major tests. The application should be made to the Director of the School of the student's program who will recommend the same to the Dean of the College/Faculty for grant of approval depending on the merit of the case. The Dean will further process the request through AR(A&E) for grant of approval from the competent authority. Once approved, the information will be passed on to the course coordinators also. The student should complete all course requirements within 10 days of the last date of Major Tests. The ‘I’ grade will then be converted to a regular grade.

NP or NF Grades

These grades are awarded in a course that the student opts to audit or in Non-Credit Courses. Audit facility is open to all students who have completed 100 credits for UG students. A student will be permitted to do any number of audit courses over and above the graduation requirements. However, for UG students at the most 8 credits can be counted towards the minimum requirement of 185 credits. Also for UG students, only Elective subjects can be chosen as Audit course. Audit applications are allowed during the first four weeks of a semester. The audit pass (NP) Grade is awarded if the student's attendance is above 75% in the class and he/she has obtained at least 'D' grade unless course coordinator has specified a higher criterion at the beginning of the semester. If either of these requirements is not fulfilled, the audit fail (NF) grade is awarded. The grades obtained in an audit course are not considered in the calculation of SGPA or CGPA however they are counted towards the total number of credits earned subject to the upper limit of 8 credits for UG courses. For PG programs the credits are not counted towards degree completion credit requirements.

W Grade

A 'W' grade is awarded in a course where the student has opted to withdraw from the course. Withdrawal from a course is permitted until one week after the first Minor Tests.

X Grade

The 'X' grade is awarded for incomplete work in Independent Study, Mini Project, Minor Project, Major Project based on the application of the student. On completion of the work, X grade can be converted to a regular grade within the first week of the next semester. Otherwise, the student is awarded 'X' grade on a permanent basis and it appears in his/her grade card. Further, the student is required to register for the course in the next semester. The credits of the course are counted towards his total load for the semester. In case of Major Project part I, the student is not permitted to register for Major Project part II simultaneously as Major Project Part I is a pre-requisite for Major Project Part II. A student can be awarded 'X' grade only once in a course.

S & Z Grades

The 'S' grade denotes satisfactory performance in Ph.D. thesis work whereas ‘U’ denotes unsatisfactory performance in Ph.D. thesis work. ‘S’ grade will also be assigned for satisfactory completion of NSS.

Evaluation Methodology for Courses with Theory & Lab Component

For courses which consist of both theory & Lab component e.g. “ECSL 208B Introduction to Data Structures (2-0-2)” the evaluation methodology consists of evaluation of Theory component and Lab component separately out of 100 marks each initially. After this, the marks obtained in the two components are merged together (out of 100 marks) in the ratio of the credits of the theory and lab component.

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