Katra, 07 July ‘18. Three-Day Faculty Development Program on “Effective Teaching-Learning in Higher Education” concluded on 06 July 2018 at Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University (SMVDU). The event was jointly organisedby the School of Architecture & Landscape Design (SoALD) & Philosophy & Culture (SoPC).Prof. V. K. Bhat, Registrar SMVDU, graced the valedictory event as a Chief Guest where he emphasized upon the need of developing understanding and healthy relationship with the students. Prof. V. Verma, Dean Faculty of Engineering (SMVDU), and the Guest of Honor,encouraged the faculty participants to develop good attributes and effective teaching skills. Further, the FDP started with an aim to sensitize the faculty members about changing scenario of higher education in view of rapidly advancing technology and learning requirements of the students as well as to train faculty members to impart quality education to budding professionals. For the implementation of outcome based education, various interactive sessions were conducted, including ‘Good Practices in Higher Education across the Globe’, ‘Teaching Process, Teaching Tools and Techniques’, Aspects of Effective Teaching Learning’, and alike by the coordinators and in-house faculty members. Also , a special session was conducted by theinvited speaker, Dr B K Bajaj of University of Jammu,who deliberated upon the quality education and outcome based education. Dr Rajeev Garg and Dr Anil Tewari, Coordinators of the event, extended the vote of thanks to one and all. Notably, the faculty participants expressed their satisfaction for getting insightfullearning experience, and they are looking forward to such events in near future.