SMVDU Katra, September 2019. A TEQIP-III sponsored one-week workshop on “Ethical Hacking & Cyber Security” was conducted from 25th –26th September 2019 at Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University (SMVDU), Katra. The workshop was organised by the School of Computer Science & Engineering, SMVDU. The key objective of the workshop was to provide an exposure to the faculty members; research scholars and students in the field of ethical hacking & cyber security to enhance their knowledge in the domain. The primary aim of the workshop was to introduce the relevance of ethical hacking and cyber security in a wide range of academic and real-life problems. Gaining knowledge on how to guard systems against attacks and security breach, this workshop intended to impart the skills that an ethical hacker and cyber security expert may need. The same was achieved through lectures with main emphasis on hands-on sessions. The resource persons for the workshop were: Dr. Maninder Singh, Professor & Head, Thapar University and Mr. Dheeraj Madhukar, Cyber Security Expert, Techno Legends Pvt. Ltd. for providing and arranging the hands-on practice for the participants. The workshop received extensive participation from students, scholars and faculty from inside and outside the university. The workshop coordinator Dr. Sakshi Arora and organising secretaries Dr. Sunanda and Mr. Sudesh Kumar expressed their gratitude to the resource persons, for delivering lectures and hands-on experience.