SMVDU Katra, October 2019. A TEQIP-III sponsored Short Term Course on “Engineering Optimization” started at Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University (SMVDU) Katra. The course is scheduled from 21st to 25th October, 2019, being organized jointly by the School of Mechanical Engineering, SMVD University Katra and Department of Mechanical Engineering, JNTU Hyderabad with an objective to impart knowledge of various optimization techniques and its role in engineering applications. About 30 participants from various institutes across the country are attending this course. The course is being coordinated jointly by Dr. Ankush Anand, Assoc. Prof., School of Mechanical Engineering, SMVD University, Katra and Prof. Indra Rani, JNTUH, Hyderabad with Mr. Amit Kumar Sinha, Asst. Prof., SME, SMVDU as the organizing secretary. Dean Faculty of Engineering, SMVDU Prof. E. Muthuswamy was the chief guest at the inaugural function. The course coordinator Dr. Ankush Anand, briefed all the participants about the need for organizing this short term course and its relevance in addressing various issues involving engineering, science and, technology. Dr. R.K. Mishra, Head, SME, SMVDU, Katra also shared his views on the theme of the course. Expert speakers from IIT’s and industry shall be interacting with the participants during this week long course. Those who attended the inaugural session also include faculty members and research scholars of School of Mechanical Engineering, SMVDU.